Frankincense Be Essential Oil 10ml


Frankincense is widely used in various skin treatments, mostly for marks and blemishes. Has a purifying action on the respiratory tract, cleaning the airways congested and acting as an expectorant against cough and relieving sinusitis.


Product Details

Name: Frankincense

Scientific Name: Boswellia carterii

Method of extraction: Steam distillation

Part of plant: Resin

Country of origin: Somaliland

Main Components: alpha-Pinene (48.65%), Limonene (8.08%) 



Breathing problems

Frankincense essential oil is useful to treat various respiratory problems such as rhinitis, bronchitis and asthma.

The high pinene concentration gives it an indication as a decongestant and anti-inflammatory. Against rhinitis, it has shown immunostimulating properties by activating the transformation of lymphocytes, improving the body's defences.

Thanks to its antioxidant and anti-inflammatory power, it has preventive measures in air pollution, allergic rhinitis [2] and asthma [3]. 


Skin care

Frankincense essential oil has a beneficial effect on skin healing, hydration and care such as expression marks and blemishes. Highly recommended in cases of ulcer, bedsores and chronic wounds. 



Frankincense essential oil Calms states of anxiety and agitation. Help in cases of stress prolonged. In an Iranian study of 126 women in labour, the use of frankincense oil in the environment has helped to significantly reduce anxiety [1]. 


Other uses

The presence of alpha pinene and sesquiterpenes gives it properties against pain, anti-inflammatory, which can be useful against joint pain and in tendons, chronic or neuropathic. The analgesic action of beta caryophyllene occurs via peripheral cannabinoid and opioid receptors, without causing the collateral of these. 


Side effects

Not advisable in the first three months of pregnancy and in children below 6 years. Not recommended for internal use. Dilute the oil before use. 


How to use

Frankincense essential oil use is safe, but it is prudent to test on a small area of ​​the arm before current use.



[1] Esmaelzadeh Saeieh S, Torkashvand Sh, Rahimzadeh Kivi M, Lotfi R, Akbari Kamrani M, Khosravi N. Effect of aromatherapy with boswellia on anxiety during the first stage of labour: a randomized controlled trial. Complementary Medicine Journal of faculty of Nursing & Midwifery. 2016;5(4):1314–23.

[2] Choi SY, Park K. Effect of Inhalation of Aromatherapy Oil on Patients with Perennial Allergic Rhinitis: A Randomized Controlled Trial. Evidence-based Complement Altern Med. 2016.

[3] Lee HY, Yun MY, Kang SM. Anti-inflammatory effect of Boswellia sacra (Franckincense) essential oil in a mouse model of allergic asthma. Korean J Microbiol Biotechnol. 2008.

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