Geranium Be Essential Oil 10ml


Ideal for skincare, this oil is a wonderful skin tonic. In addition to being astringent, it brightens the skin and purifies, treating imperfections. It has a rose aroma, given the composition in both oils of the geraniol molecule, much appreciated in perfumery. Unlike roses, their oil is extracted from the leaves and stems.


Product Details

Name: Geranium

Scientific Name: Pelargonium graveolens

Method of extraction: Steam distillation

Part of plant: Leaves

Country of origin: Egypt

Main Components:  Citronellol (32.74%), Geraniol (16.94%), Linalool (7.32%) 



Geranium essential oil reduces skin inflammations, fungal infections, mycoses, acne and oral inflammations. Helps reduce signs of aging, restores radiance and facial tone. 


Used to reduce wrinkles. This oil has great potential in revitalizing and regenerating the skin, helping to fight ageing. Can be used on the skin, associated only with a simple carrier such as Rosehip Seed Oil. 



Geranium is a powerful oil against cramps by inhibiting the secretion of acetylcholine, a neurotransmitter responsible, among other things, for muscle activity. This oil acts on nerve receptors, allowing a calming and relaxing action.



\nThis oil has a very strong anti-infective property, whether against bacteria, fungi or mites. It has antistaphylococcal activity (Staph doré), even in resistant germs. Also effective against several germs responsible for urogenital infections. 



Not recommended for pregnant women and children under 3 years of age. Its use in wounds can cause a tingling sensation, thus its diluted use is indicated, and according to the guidance of a professional. It is preferable to carry out a skin test to verify possible allergic effects due to the concentration of geraniol, citronellol and linalool.
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