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Be Essential Oils

Damask Rose Essential Oil 10ml

Regular price $250.00 NZD
Regular price Sale price $250.00 NZD
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Product Details

Name: Damask rose

Scientific Name: Rosa damascena

Method of extraction: Absolute extract

Part of plant: Petals

Country of origin: Bulgaria

Damask rose absolute oil is a highly concentrated and aromatic oil extracted from the petals of the Damask rose through a process of solvent extraction. With a powerful, floral and unmistakable aroma, rose oil is extracted from its petals and is an ally in skincare. It takes about a thousand of roses to craft 10ml of its essential oil.

It has a rich, sweet, and floral aroma that is highly prized in the perfume and cosmetics industry. Used in aromatherapy to promote feelings of relaxation and to help balance emotions it has a range of skin-nourishing properties and is often used in skincare products to help moisturize and rejuvenate the skin.

Renowned for their fine and premium fragrance, whether damascus, red or white, is one of the most sought scents in aromatherapy and perfumery. Damask rose is the main species cultivated for essential oil extraction in Bulgaria, Turkey and Morocco. 

Different from the market standards where Damask Rose is steam distilled and dilluted 3% in carrier oil, our Damask Rose oil is an undiluted absoltute oil.

Collapsible content

Main Components

Phenethyl alcohol (30.76%) 

Other uses

Cosmetic andSkincare

Damask Rosse essential oil has the capacity to regenerate, heal and protect the epidermis. Its composed of ntioxidants and monoterpene alcohols such as nerol, citronellol and geraniol, that contributes to hydration and regeneration for  skin. 



Rosa damascena (rose damascena) is one of the main oils used in perfumery in the world. Its scent is very flowery and slightly sweet. It is the rose used for the most feminine perfumes.


Recommended for pregnant women and babies via aroma diffuser.

Even though it is safe, it should preferably be used diluted with another vegetable oil. 

How to use

Always perform the dilution to a maximum of 3% performing a test on the arm before using it and associated with a carrier oil.

Not recommended to use directly on the skin.
